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row_0_0 Hover over thumbnails to see full image
row_0_1 The Fool
El Loco
row_0_2 Magician
El Mago
row_0_3 High Priestess
La Sacerdotisa
row_0_4 The Empress
La Emperatriz
row_0_5 Emperor
El Emperador
row_0_6 The Shaman
El Chaman
row_0_7 Lovers
Los Enamorados
row_0_8 Chariot
El Carro
row_0_9 Strength
row_0_10 The Hermit
El Hermitano
row_0_11 Fortune
row_1_1 Justice
La Justicia
row_1_2 The Hangedman
El Colgado
row_1_3 Death
La Muerte
row_1_4 Temperance
La Templanzana
row_1_5 The Devil
El Diablo
row_1_6 Tower
La Torre
row_1_7 The Star
La Estrella
row_1_8 The Moon
La Luna
row_1_9 The Sun
El Sol
row_1_10 Judgement
El Juicio
row_1_11 The World
El Mundo
row_2_1 Ace of Grails
As de Grails
row_2_2 Two of Grails
Dos de Grails
row_2_3 Three of Grails
Tres de Grails
row_2_4 Four of Grails
Cuatro de Grails
row_2_5 Five of Grails
Cinco de Grails
row_2_6 Six of Grails
Seis de Grails
row_2_7 Seven of Grails
Siete de Grails
row_2_8 Eight of Grails
Ocho de Grails
row_2_9 Nine of Grails
Nueve de Grails
row_2_10 Ten of Grails
Diez de Grails
row_2_11 Daughter of Grails
Hija de Grails
row_2_12 Knight of Grails
Caballero de Grails
row_2_13 Queen of Grails
Reina de Grails
row_2_14 King of Grails
Rey de Grails
row_3_1 Ace of Swords
As de Espadas
row_3_2 Two of Swords
Dos de Espadas
row_3_3 Three of Swords
Tres de Espadas
row_3_4 Four of Swords
Cuatro de Espadas
row_3_5 Five of Swords
Cinco de Espadas
row_3_6 Six of Swords
Seis de Espadas
row_3_7 Seven of Swords
Siete de Espadas
row_3_8 Eight of Swords
Ocho de Espadas
row_3_9 Nine of Swords
Nueve de Espadas
row_3_10 Ten of Swords
Diez de Espadas
row_3_11 Daughter of Swords
Hija de Espadas
row_3_12 Knight of Swords
Caballero de Espadas
row_3_13 Queen of Swords
Reina de Espadas
row_3_14 King of Swords
Rey de Espadas
row_4_1 Ace of Scepters
As de Cetros
row_4_2 Two of Scepters
Dos de Cetros
row_4_3 Three of Scepters
Tres de Cetros
row_4_4 Four of Scepters
Cuatro de Cetros
row_4_5 Five of Scepters
Cinco de Cetros
row_4_6 Six of Scepters
Seis de Cetros
row_4_7 Seven of Scepters
Siete de Cetros
row_4_8 Eight of Scepters
Ocho de Cetros
row_4_9 Nine of Scepters
Nueve de Cetros
row_4_10 Ten of Scepters
Diez de Cetros
row_4_11 Daughter of Scepters
Hija de Cetros
row_4_12 Knight of Scepters
Caballero de Cetros
row_4_13 Queen of Scepters
Reina de Cetros
row_4_14 King of Scepters
Rey de Cetros
row_5_1 Ace of Pentacles
As de Pentaculos
row_5_2 Two of Pentacles
Dos de Pentaculos
row_5_3 Three of Pentacles
Tres de Pentaculos
row_5_4 Four of Pentacles
Cuatro de Pentaculos
row_5_5 Five of Pentacles
Cinco de Pentaculos
row_5_6 Six of Pentacles
Seis de Pentaculos
row_5_7 Seven of Pentacles
Siete de Pentaculos
row_5_8 Eight of Pentacles
Ocho de Pentaculos
row_5_9 Nine of Pentacles
Nueve de Pentaculos
row_5_10 Ten of Pentacles
Diez de Pentaculos
row_5_11 Daughter of Pentacles
Hija de Pentaculos
row_5_12 Knight of Pentacles
Caballero de Pentaculos
row_5_13 Queen of Pentacles
Reina de Pentaculos
row_5_14 King of Pentacles
Rey de Pentaculos

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All Images on this site are by artist
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